The other day I was thinking about things I could do to learn more about specific topics. My friend, Ron, is trying to learn a new song on his guitar each day of this month. I am not sure if he's been able to keep that up. I remember reading about somebody who tried to write a song every day for a year while he traveled around the U.S. That is quite an arduous task.
There are so many things that I want to learn about and so many things that I want to get better at so I started to think about Ron's idea and latch on to it in some form. What I am intending on doing (and I have no idea how this is going to go) is to pick a different thing each month that I will do every day. For example, for my first month (October) I am going to attempt to draw a new picture every day of the month. I will scan it for your pleasure or critique. I'm hoping in the end that it will force me into becoming a slightly better drawer. In November, I am actually considering writing a new song each day. I would record it and upload it as well.
Along the way, I might include other tasks that are less time consuming like: a word, a Bible verse, or some other interesting fact about fish, sports or whatnot. We'll see how this goes.